This site is dedicated to the eternal quest for individual enlightenment. These posts are designed to provoke and solicit an alternative paradigm of thought, spirit, and enrichment of everyday life. From thought provoking quotes, lyrics and general babble, I hope to create a forum of open exchange, friendly debate, and passionate recourse to all that contributes to a happier, healthier and more philosophical reflection of cultural and spiritual reality and relativity.

I plan to add corners for poetry, music, short stories, essays and other artistic contributions to this blog. I promise zero censorship, open forum discussion and feedback, and an entertaining ride. If it's not bullshit for you... then it won't be for me either. I want to make this like nothing else found on the web (or anywhere else for that matter), so I can guarantee we're going to have some fun on this rollercoaster. So strap in (or don't), and prepare for the plunge!

December 10, 2009
Fort Myers, FL

Thursday, December 31, 2009

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward...some are strong at the broken places." ~Ernest Hemingway

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